This is the blog of Thomas Wilk, a blogging, er, Introductory Composition instructor at Hudson Valley Community College. Here I'll recording responses to my ENG 101 classes at HVCC. I'll also post relevant material to our 101 classes here.

Run, Walken, Run!

Today I saw the beginning of the long awaited celebrities-running-for-president posters. I think they were outside the Hudsonian office in the Campus Center. And who is our celebrity candidate? Christopher Walken, of course. Too bad it's only satirical, because I think Walken would make a great candidate; he offers the Oval Office clear prose:

"If you want to learn how to build a house, build a house. Don't ask anybody, just build a house."
-Christopher Walken

Perhaps that's not the best advice in all situations, to simply act without the foresight of those with experience--but in the cases of essay writing, reading, (and guitar playing for that matter), it can often be the most productive and informative method.

Quite the autodidact, Malcolm X devoured a large amount of literature in prison. This is where he was introduced to the texts of the Nation of Islam. Others too have made similar self-transformations through time spent in prison libraries. Take Monster Kody Scott, for instance.

I wonder if Kurt Vonnegut would agree with Christopher Walken when applying Walken's quote to a philosophy of writing. Vonnegut loves the eccentricities in prose that occur from any number of sources: multilingual mishaps, regionalisms in speech, or seemingly unecessary exposition in a story. But Vonnegut is also a bit vocal about telling other people how to write. I think his list of creative writing rules has been circulating rather widely by now.

Ooops, out of time!

Last but not least, you should check out Steve Donboch's blog responding to the Hudson Valley Mission Statement!

2 People Speak:

Will said...

my name is emil kuhl and i am in your english comp class on tues and thursdays and my blog is

S_Wizz said...

heeeey this is stephon!