This is the blog of Thomas Wilk, a blogging, er, Introductory Composition instructor at Hudson Valley Community College. Here I'll recording responses to my ENG 101 classes at HVCC. I'll also post relevant material to our 101 classes here.

Two eggs, two songs

I'm not vegan, so this morning I ate two eggs, a half of avocado, toast, and cream cheese. I also had some bold coffee with nutmeg in it. Then I read some good ol' JJ Rousseau because it is the most expensive book I ever bought (25 dollars).

I wrote two songs this morning and recorded brief sketches of them so I don't forget them.

Articulating thoughts on paper is hard and so is articulating thoughts in music. Arranging paragraphs is the same as arranging chords, tonal ornamentation, and rhythm. The shapes, colors, and structures of essays are translatable to sound. I want Peter Elbow to come into our classrooms and do 30 second vocal impressions of our essays. Maybe someone should do a 7 minute non-language vocal interpretation of their research paper for their oral presentation.

In other composition news, yesterday, my friend Melle challenged me to write a personal manifesto and mail it to her by the end of the day. I failed. Hopefully I'll do it today.

See you in class in 5 minutes.

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